To empower 25,00,000 poor and vulnerable households economically and socially by 2025, through establishing sustained access to financial and capacity building services” thereby lifting them from their vulnerable condition
Reduce vulnerability, train and educate, inculcate leadership skills, provide opportunities to own and manage resources and take decisions.
Vulnerable /poor
Below poverty line, disadvantaged sections of the society, those susceptible to shocks and seasonality
Lower middle class population that may not be very poor at a point in life but are nevertheless vulnerable
By providing services directly through BWDA, its staff, infrastructure and delivery mechanism
Providing financial services through bank linkages and through partnership with other financial service providers
Continuous Access
To provide services to clients as and when they need them, regularly and consistently
Financial Services
Services including credit, business correspondent, insurance, pension, money transfer, money change, etc.
Capacity Building Services
Extending training and skill development services (especially related to livelihood, health and education)